Archive for April 2013

IWC 2012 Galleries

What has 371 pho­tos (actu­al­ly twice that if you count the thumb­nails) and some of the best carv­ing you’ll see any­where?  The pho­to gal­leries from the 2012 Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress, that’s what.  In the gal­leries you’ll find 132 of pho­tog­ra­ph­er Marc Feath­er­ly’s excel­lent stu­dio pho­tos of the win­ners at IWC 2012, includ­ing sev­en pho­tos of Dream, Fred Zavadil’s Best of Show winner.

In addi­tion to the gallery of the prize-win­ning carv­ings, you’ll also find Mar­c’s can­did pho­tos from the Class­es, Award Ban­quet, the Judges cri­tique ses­sion, the Show floor, and oth­er pho­tos around and about dur­ing Con­gress.  In addi­tion, WOM con­trib­u­tor “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf and Sandie Burgdorf shared with us 127 of the can­did pho­tos they took dur­ing Congress.

As always, the pho­tos in the win­ner’s gallery are click­able, and will take you to much larg­er ver­sions of these great carv­ings.  (Much larg­er then you’ll see in any paper pub­li­ca­tion.)  The large pho­tos will afford you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to real­ly look at the win­ners in detail.

To vis­it the gal­leries, click on the WOM Gal­leries menu item at the top of the page, or click HERE.   Enjoy!

CCA 1930’s Street Scene Project

The Car­i­ca­ture Carvers of Amer­i­ca’s (CCA) lat­est project is an orig­i­nal 1930’s street scene, com­plete with eleven peri­od build­ings and over 100 car­i­ca­ture carv­ings.  The project will be on dis­play on one occa­sion only at Artistry in Wood, Novem­ber 9–10, 2013 in Day­ton, Ohio.  CCA has been kind enough to share some great pho­tos of the project with us; you’ll find links to the gallery below.

Each indi­vid­ual build­ing and accom­pa­ny­ing fig­ures is cur­rent­ly for sale.  These are all orig­i­nal, one-of-a-kind car­i­ca­ture carv­ings by the Car­i­ca­ture Carvers of Amer­i­ca mem­bers, and will be the sub­ject of a new book project by Schif­fer Pub­lish­ing, due out in Novem­ber 2013.  Indi­vid­ual build­ings and accom­pa­ny­ing pieces may be reserved now, sub­ject to a non-refund­able deposit of 20%.  Pur­chasers may not take pos­ses­sion of build­ings or accom­pa­ny­ing fig­ures pri­or to the con­clu­sion of the Day­ton Show on Sun­day Novem­ber 10, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.

Pur­chasers may pick up their projects in per­son at the con­clu­sion of the Day­ton Show, or arrange with the CCA mem­ber respon­si­ble for the indi­vid­ual build­ings for ship­ping.  Ship­ping and insur­ance are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the pur­chas­er, and all carv­ings must be insured for the pur­chase price.

The CCA is also sell­ing their pre­vi­ous project, the CCA Train, as a sin­gle item.   For more infor­ma­tion about pur­chas­ing a build­ing from the street scene or the train, vis­it the CCA web site at

Now the best part —  Jack A. Williams’ pho­tos of the street scene and the train.  To vis­it the gal­leries, vis­it the Gal­leries page by click­ing the WOM link at the top of the page, then the Gal­leries item, or click HERE to vis­it the Street Scene or HERE to vis­it the Train Project