Archive for February 2018

January-February 2018 WOM

Welcome to Woodcarver Online Magazine

1st in Group E — Car­i­ca­tures — 1st in Class 505 — Com­bin­ing of two or more Group E Subjects 

Mau­rice Van­der Walle Memo­r­i­al Award — Group E and the CCA Spe­cial Mer­it Award 

But Ye Said ‘Twas A Tea Party 

Rusty John­son, Tul­sa, OK


Hel­lo, Friends in Carv­ing -

Wel­come to the start of Year 22 for Wood­carv­er Online Mag­a­zine.  It’s some­times hard to believe it’s been that long since Bill Judt launched the first edi­tion of World Wide Wood­carv­er Ezine, which lat­er became Wood­carv­er Online Mag­a­zine,  back in 1997.  We will be revis­it­ing some of the arti­cles from those ear­ly years in the com­ing months.   In addi­tion, you can look for­ward to pho­to gal­leries from Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress ’17,  2017 CCA Car­i­ca­ture Carv­ing Com­pe­ti­tion, and  2017 Artistry in Wood.  

In this issue:

  • Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress 2017 Pho­to Galleries
  • Carv­ing the 1940 Water­front Scene
  • Pete LeClair: Quigley’s Cousin Archie
  • Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table: Clown­in’ Around
  • Update to Events, Hap­pen­ings and Goings-On

As always, we wel­come your feed­back, ideas for arti­cles, etc.  Please use the con­tact form on the About page in the menu bar above.  Please sup­port our spon­sors;  just click any of the links in the right menu bar.



Pho­to by Marc Feath­er­ly at IWC ’14

Matt Kel­ley


International Woodcarvers Congress 2017 Winner Galleries

International Woodcarvers Congress 2017 — Group B — Relief Carving

1st in Class 204 — Animals, Birds, Fish, etc.

Escape From Sand Creek Canyon

Kirt Cur­tis, Mar­i­on, IA


As always, assem­bling the pho­to gallery for the Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carv­er Con­gress Win­ners is the great­est amount of work of any sin­gle arti­cle in WOM.  The 2017 IWC Gallery was no excep­tion.   This edi­tion has some 248 pho­tos (twice that num­ber if you count the thumb­nails) includ­ing some of the best carv­ings you will see any­where.  In the win­ner gal­leries you’ll find 130 of pho­tog­ra­ph­er Marc Feath­er­ly’s excel­lent stu­dio pho­tos of the win­ners at IWC 2017, includ­ing more pho­tos of the Best of Show winner.

In addi­tion to the gallery of the prize-win­ning carv­ings, you’ll also find Mar­c’s can­did pho­tos from the Class­es, Award Ban­quet, the Judges, the Show floor, and oth­er pho­tos around and about dur­ing Congress.

As always, the thumb­nail pho­tos in the win­ner’s gallery are click­able, and when clicked will take you to much larg­er ver­sions of these great carv­ings.  (Much larg­er then you’ll see in any paper pub­li­ca­tion.)  The large pho­tos will afford you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to real­ly look at the win­ners in detail.

To vis­it the gal­leries, in the menu bar above click on WOM, then on The Gal­leries menu item, or click HERE.   Enjoy!

1940 Waterfront Scene

A Project of the Central Massachusetts Caricature Carvers Club, Fitchburg, MA 

By Edsel L. Johnson

The 1940 Water­front Scene was an inspi­ra­tion that came about from Pete LeClair.  He was inter­est­ed in a scene cen­tered around a nau­ti­cal theme.  Since the club meets at two dif­fer­ent sites each week, one on Tues­day night and a Thurs­day morn­ing with a total of 20 indi­vid­ual carvers, a great degree of coor­di­na­tion was need­ed.  The scene had to be erect­ed and dis­as­sem­bled numer­ous times in the course of the four and one half months until it came to fruition.

It was fin­ished in time for the Spir­it of Wood con­test last Octo­ber, spon­sored by the New Eng­land Wood­carvers, which was held at the Mid­dle­sex Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, Bed­ford MA.

The Water­front Scene took First Place as a group project, best­ing the oth­er entry, a build­ing scene.  The New Eng­land Pier is filled with char­ac­ters of all descrip­tions.  The Fall sea­son­al back­drop set off the build­ings that loom over the water and dock.

Carvers who won the group prize includ­ed Pete LeClair, Scott Arse­nault, Rick Boy­er, Bob Guay, Pete Tomasel­lo, Frank Des­or­bo, Gail Han­sche-Godin, Top Siat, John Lussier, Mandy Thibault, Len Hill, Ger­ald Kottman, Gary Fil­i­ault, Edsel John­son, Bill Manser, Ed Laetz, Nor­ma Jean Quinn, Lynne Read­on, Joe Read­on, Frank Quinn, Ron Roth and Ernie Charpentier.

From “Ol’ Don’s” Drawing Table

From “Ol’ Don” Drawing Table

Ol’ Don” Burgdorf presents Clown­in’ Around

To print the pat­tern, click here; the pat­tern will open in a new win­dow, and should print on 8.5 x 11 paper. For Print­ing Hints, click here.

Ol’ Don” Burgdorf is a carv­er and artist from Hohen­wald, TN.  Don’s fea­ture “Doo­dles ‘n Notes for Carvin’ Folks” appears reg­u­lar­ly in Chip Chats, and his pat­terns are now found in each issue of WOM and in past issues of Carv­ing Mag­a­zine.  Some of Don’s “Chat­ter­ing Chip­pers” pat­terns can also be seen at the Wood­carver’s Porch pat­tern page.

Copy­right 2011–2017 “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf. This Pat­tern may be copied for indi­vid­ual use; repro­duc­tion for resale is pro­hib­it­ed with­out express writ­ten permission.

From Pete LeClair — Cousin Archie


Pete LeClair

Pete LeClair’s Projects

Pete LeClair’s Cousin Archie


Pete LeClair is a well-known carv­er and teacher, author of three carv­ing books and a mem­ber of the Car­i­ca­ture Carvers of Amer­i­ca. You may learn more about Pete at his page on the CCA web site. Be sure to tour the rest of the CCA pages when you have a moment. In addi­tion, you may email Pete at pet­ele­clair AT Pho­tos copy­right 2001 — 2018 by Pete LeClair.

This pat­tern may be copied for indi­vid­ual use only; repro­duc­tion for resale is pro­hib­it­ed with­out express writ­ten permission.