Archive for January 2016

January/February 2016 WOM


Welcome to Woodcarver Online Magazine Volume 20 Issue 1


Carv­ing in Cana­da Library of Parliament

Pho­to By Don Butler

Hel­lo, Friends in Carv­ing -

  • Wel­come to the start of the 20th year of Wood­carv­er Online Mag­a­zine.  We are going to be cel­e­brat­ing through­out the year, and while some ideas are in the works, we are always open to sug­ges­tions for ways to cel­e­brate this mile­stone.  Feel free to use the con­tact form on the About page, or email me at womed­i­tor AT com­cast DOT net.
  • Don But­ler dis­cov­ered a trea­sure trove of won­der­ful carv­ings in the Cana­da Library of Par­lia­ment and the gallery with some 45 of his pho­tos is well worth spend­ing some time visiting.

In this issue:

  • Pho­to Gallery - Carv­ings In The Cana­da Library of Parliament
  • Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table: Her Majesty’s Finest
  • Pete LeClair: Cousin Percy
  •  Notes From The Net
  • Events, Hap­pen­ings and Goings-On Updat­ed


As always, we wel­come your feed­back, ideas for arti­cles, etc.  Please use the con­tact form on the About page in the menu bar above.



Pho­to by Marc Feath­er­ly at IWC ’14

Matt Kel­ley


Carvings In The Canada Library of Parliament

LoP 02

© Library of Parliament

The Cana­da Library of Par­lia­ment is a Goth­ic Revival build­ing on a bluff over­look­ing the Ottawa Riv­er.  The build­ing, opened in 1876, has a rough exte­ri­or of Nepean sand­stone with mas­sive fly­ing but­tress­es.   The inte­ri­or is a con­trast­ing mix of col­or and tex­tures, high­light­ed by hand-carved white pine pan­els fea­tur­ing myth­i­cal beasts, masks, flow­ers and more.

Typ­i­cal­ly, vis­i­tors to the Library are allowed only a short dis­tance into the main read­ing room, and are not per­mit­ted to take pho­tos.  Sev­er­al years ago Don But­ler was able to secure a tour with per­mis­sion to take as many pho­tos as he desired.   But­ler notes that there are eight door­ways, each with 10 large carv­ings, 4 medi­um carv­ing and 6 small­er carv­ing for a total of 160 carved medal­lions.  In addi­tion, there are false post tops and small rosettes in the cor­ner of some pan­els.  The library his­to­ri­an esti­mat­ed there were some 4,500 of these small­er carv­ings in total.

© Library of Parliament

© Library of Parliament

In this first gallery, we are hap­py to present a taste­ful selec­tion of the medal­lions, as well as sev­er­al of the larg­er pan­els.  To vis­it the gallery click HERE.  More of Butler’s pho­tos will be pre­sent­ed in future galleries.

To learn more about the Library of Par­lia­ment, click HERE to vis­it their web site.  Pho­tos of Library of Par­lia­ment exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or copy­right Cana­da Library of Par­lia­ment and used here with permission.

Images in the pho­to gallery copy­right Don But­ler.  Vis­it his web site at or click HERE

Notes From The ‘Net

Notes From The ‘Net

Ques­tions and Answers About Carv­ing Gath­ered From Pop­u­lar Carv­ing Groups

 Edit­ed by Matt Kelley


Wel­come carv­ing friends to NFTN, ver­sion 2.0.   In this ongo­ing series we will gath­er the best ques­tions, answers and com­ments from the more active Face­book and mail list carv­ing groups, such as the Wood­carv­er List, Wood­carv­ing 101 — The Joy of Wood­carv­ing, and the Inter­na­tion­al Fish Carvers & Painters Asso­ci­a­tion, and present them here.

Enjoy, and Carve On!

On Woodburning Tools

On the tra­di­tion­al email Wood­carv­er List, James Nor­ton wrote:  I am a novice wood­carv­er who has start­ed a some­what ambi­tious bird carv­ing. I am near­ing the point where I will be detail­ing the feath­ers, and wish to get feed­back from more expe­ri­enced carvers than myself about the best wood­burn­ing tool.  I am look­ing for a set that allows pre­cise tem­per­a­ture con­trol and that has a vari­ety of tips for dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es. Sug­ges­tions wel­come, thanks in advance.

Faulkner2206 replied:  I find the cole­wood “detail­er” works great for bird’s and is rel­a­tive­ly rea­son­ably priced. Tips are easy to change and you will find you need to use just a few dif­fer­ent tips for most birds.

Ear­land­Barb wrote:  Per­son­al­ly, I think all the major brands that you will find in a wood­carv­ing store are pret­ty much equal. Some pre­fer one, some anoth­er. I am hap­py with my Nib­s­burn­er but I don’t think they are mak­ing them any more. For­tu­nate­ly, I can use Cole­wood tips with it.

Stephen Blak­ley added:  I take class­es from a guy who uses Razor tips.  He believes the tips are bet­ter than the Col­wood.  To do the quill, I pur­chased a Razor tip pen and tip, with an adapter to fit the Col­wood.  He honed down the one tip on my Col­wood  so that it was thinner.

Faulkner2206 replied:  I always hone my burn­er tips, both Cole­wood and Razor. Sharp­en them like a knife for real­ly tight feath­er barbs. Much of this becomes a mat­ter of per­son­al pref­er­ence based on what you get used to.

Byron Kin­na­man wrote:  The trou­ble with mak­ing the tips thin­ner is they burn up faster.

The tech­ni­cal aspects of wood burn­ing tips — any con­duc­tor (the tip is a con­duc­tor) the small­er the cross sec­tion­al area, the high­er the resis­tance, and the hot­ter the tip.  The more frag­ile the tip, the soon­er you’ll have to replace the tip.

One con­sid­er­a­tion is the mate­r­i­al the pen is made of.  You want a pen that does­n’t trans­fer heat eas­i­ly.  This will allow you use it longer than one that made of mate­r­i­al that is know for it’s abil­i­ty to trans­fer heat, like alu­minum.  Plas­tics can be made to either slow down heat trans­fer or speed up heat trans­fer.   Most wood burn­ing pens that are plas­tic are of the slow down heat trans­fer type.   The alu­minum pens trans­fer heat rapidly.

Anoth­er thing to watch out for is hype.  There’s a cou­ple man­u­fac­tures that hype their prod­uct and demand a high­er price.  A cou­ple hype capa­ble of 150 Watts, typ­i­cal wood­burn­ing hap­pens below 30 watts.  2000° tip tem­per­a­ture, what are you try­ing to do?, melt the tip, start a fire?  There are sev­er­al good wood burn­ers out there with­out buy­ing the hype.

Faulkner2206 added:  When burn­ing feath­ers  low heat and sharp tips make for bet­ter birds. Tips are not per­ma­nent, they are expend­able just like glue and paint.

That’s it for this edi­tion of NFTN.    If you see a post on one of the FB groups or Mail List­servs that you think should be pre­served in NFTN, please use the form below to sub­mit your suggestion.

NFTN Suggestions

Sug­ges­tions for NFTN
  • Please enter your name
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please enter the sub­mis­sion date.
  • Please enter your email address — this is a required field
  • Please enter your sug­ges­tion for inclu­sion in Notes From The Net. Include the date of the post, the name of the per­son who start­ed the dis­cus­sion, names of those who pro­vide the best respons­es. It is impor­tant that you include the NAME of the Face­book group or mail list­serv.. Your email address will only be used to clar­i­fy your sug­ges­tion, if need­ed. Thanks for your suggestion.

From “Ol’ Don’s” Drawing Table

OlDonFrom “Ol’ Don” Drawing Table

Ol’ Don” Burgdorf presents Her Majesty’s Finest


To print the pat­tern, click here; the pat­tern will open in a new win­dow, and should print on 8.5 x 11 paper. For Print­ing Hints, click here.

Ol’ Don” Burgdorf is a carv­er and artist from Hohen­wald, TN. Don’s fea­ture “Doo­dles ‘n Notes for Carvin’ Folks” appears reg­u­lar­ly in Chip Chats, and his pat­terns are now found in each issue of WOM and in past issues of Carv­ing Mag­a­zine. Some of Don’s “Chat­ter­ing Chip­pers” pat­terns can also be seen at the Wood­carver’s Porch pat­tern page.

Copy­right 2011–2015 “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf. This Pat­tern may be copied for indi­vid­ual use; repro­duc­tion for resale is pro­hib­it­ed with­out express writ­ten permission.

From Pete LeClair — Cousin Perry

Pete LeClair

Pete LeClair’s Projects

Pete LeClair’s Cousin Perry

Percy-Master 03

Pete LeClair is a well-known carv­er and teacher, author of three carv­ing books and a mem­ber of the Car­i­ca­ture Carvers of Amer­i­ca. You may learn more about Pete at his page on the CCA web site. Be sure to tour the rest of the CCA pages when you have a moment. In addi­tion, you may email Pete at pet­ele­clair AT Pho­tos copy­right 2001 — 2015 by Pete LeClair.

This pat­tern may be copied for indi­vid­ual use only; repro­duc­tion for resale is pro­hib­it­ed with­out express writ­ten permission.